Wright Celebrations - Lauretta Wright, Celebrant is a Top 5 Winner in the 2022 Wedding Industry Awards Fraser Coast & Wide Bay. And word from the Wedding Industry Awards [April 12, 2022] is "CONGRATULATIONS!! The 2022 Wedding Industry of Australia has been decimated by COVID. However we are staggered at the resilience shown by the FRASER COAST & WIDE BAY Wedding Industry and have been amazed by the level of support for the WEDDING INDUSTRY AWARDS (formerly Brides Choice Awards)", Australia’s Largest Regional Wedding Awards Program, since 2008.
After 13 days of voting there were:
608 Newlywed Couples Voted
461 Businesses were nominated
149 Businesses became FINALISTS - and Lauretta Wright Marriage Celebrant of Wright Celebrations is a WINNER!!
Thank you so much to all my couples who voted for Wright Celebrations, your celebrant. Thank you, thank you. I believe that we live in a region that has some of the world's best beaches, the most amazing parks and spectacular venues as well. Definitely, an area for destination weddings!
I'd love to chat to you about your dreams for your wedding day. Please call 0438 199 984 or email at lauretta@wrightcelebrations.com.au and visit my Facebook page and instagram