200 marriage ceremonies

Getting It 'Wright' Every Time: Celebrating Love with Lauretta Wright, the 'Wright' Celebrant!

Just add sand. Coloured Sand Ceremony.

Left at the altar; literally. Done. Ditched?

obtaining an official marriage certificate

Hervey Bay celebrant, Lauretta Wright, marries couples overseas

#1 Winner Civil Marriage Celebrant 2024

Lauretta Wright: 2023 #1 Civil Marriage Celebrant, Fraser Coast & Wide Bay

#1 Winner Fraser Coast AND Wide Bay Celebrant 2023

KIS2kiss = 1-2-3 & you're married!

Fraser Coast Queensland to have an eco burial option from 2023 at the Nikenbah Natural Cemetery

Hervey Bay funeral celebrant, Lauretta on celebration of life ceremonies

local celebrant who takes pictures

build your bouquet during your procession

Choose the labyrinth! Rather than a narrow aisle procession

top sound equipment and technology for Lauretta Wright, celebrant

just elope, just the two of you with your dog, cat or horse as a witness

2022 Award Winning Wedding Celebrant, Fraser Coast - Lauretta Wright

Just want to get married? Registry-style? I can help with that! I can even bring the two witnesses!
